Creo Design uses Gemcom SurpacTM to determine the physical characteristics of a deposit by incorporating data collected from drilling. SurpacTM harnesses powerful 3D graphics, geostatistics, and an integrated modelling environment.
The following features are used extensively:

Data Management

  • Employ sophisticated database models to store, manage and review drilling data.
  • Interface to any popular database products and work in real time while connected to that data.
  • View and output sections quickly and easily using drillholes and existing topographic or pre-modelled data.

Estimation and Modelling

  • Outstanding tools for sample compositing and geostatistics.
  • Variogram modelling includes variogram fans and dynamic lag adjustment to help identify the best variograms for data.
  • Estimation tools include an interface to GSLIB for both normal kriging can conditional simulation options.
  • Comprehensive 3D wireframing tools enable the development of a truly representative model of any ore body.
  • Surpac block modelling tools cover an extensive range of functionality and are easy to use. Validating a model and generating any level of report can be done quickly and efficiently.

(Courtesy of

The following are examples of projects where Creo Design has used Surpac™: